

Finding the Source

In Corrogue I am seeking the source of inner beauty.

This is a way to find an inner beauty that transforms. Then it will allow entry into that other room beyond what we call in Ireland "a thin place." It will allow me to see banquet moments that are always available in the only time we have. This is the time of now. It will allow me to feel my essence and what is essential to life. I will recognise that my essential self is the moment-to-moment experience of inner beauty.

This is provided I know how to look. Let me share with you seven reflections that may assist you in getting in touch with that inner beauty that you always are.

Inner beauty is your essence. It does not come for your persona or your "thinking about." Your personality is like the light of the moon. This light of the moon is beautiful but the source of the moonlight is from the sun. The moon is merely a reflection of the true light. The light of your being is powerful beyond any "thinking about." Start "to be" more and "do less." The hard part is that this requires trust. Trust more and learn from your "inner telling sense." This means trusting the sense of the body.

We focus our energies outward. We look for satisfaction instead of joy. We accept belief but do not venture "beyond belief." This inner beauty that you are is beyond any belief system. This inner beauty is your birthright. It is your psychological and spiritual "homeplace." It is your place of belonging. You will not find this "homeplace" in the outer world. This outer world is only a reflection of the distance we have come from our inner beauty. Spent ten minutes each day in focused silence. This can be when you are walking, sitting, eating or at any time that best suits you.

In this 21st Century of noise and haste you are focused on the dynamic of "never enough." Our societies main focus is ensuring that you never get to "feel enough." If you get to feel enough it might then mean the end of economics. You get little time to rest in your soul. This is the place of real recreation. This is the place where every day is a holy day. These words "holy day" are the original meaning of the word "holiday." You do not have to leave home for exotic or non-exotic experiences.

You can travel the world of inner beauty without ever going anywhere other than your heart. You can go on holiday to your "homeplace" at anytime. Just take a moment. Sit still and breathe in and out slowly. Become the fine being you always are and learn to know you will always be fine. Commit to knowing life and give up the limitation of belief.



No Name Ninja